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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  November 15, 2012 9:00am-11:00am PST

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time -- at least part of the rockets that. >> we are not going to accept the -- >> can i also ask you what kind of concern is it that the egyptians have now pulled their ambassador from israel? are you concerned about your other neighbors who themselves are suffering through some extraordinarily tough times right now -- syria, lebanon, jordan? >> unfortunately, we don't have an ambassador here, and i appreciate the presence of egyptian as well as -- but we cannot argue if he wants to call
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it's unfortunate that the egyptian ambassador had to go, so we will see, but that should not be a reason to stop any kind of -- that we have to face. >> israeli defense minister ehud barack joining us live from tel aviv. do stay safe, and we wish the best for not only the people of israel, but the palestinians, and we hope that you can somehow come to some kind of a consensus to stop this violence between your two parties. thank you for being with us and for answering. our apologies for the difficult connection, but we have been struggling throughout the hour to make that connection with the defense minister, and now we
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know why. the air raids going in israel. particularly in tel aviv. thank you for watching us in this hour. please stay tuned now for my colleague suzanne malveaux who takes over with "newsroom international." welcome to "newsroom international." i'm suzanne malveaux. we're taking you aron the world in 60 minutes. former cia director david petraeus is breaking his silence with the media speaking for the first time to our sister network hln's keira phillips about the sexual affair that ended his career. she has known petraeus for years interviewing him for many stories on the troops, including a 30-minute live interview on the anniversary of the iraq war. she's had several conversations with him since the scandal broke. petraeus told her he shepped down solely because of the affair with paula broadwell, not because he was scheduled to testify in the attack about the
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attack on benghazi. he also emphasized he wants to make things right with his wife. >> in our first conversation he had told me had he engaged in something dishonorable, and he sought to do the honorable thing in response, and that was to come forward. he was very clear that he screweded up totally, and it was all his fault, and he felt fortunate to have a war that was far better than he deserves. obviously he is taking it really hard. he knows he made a big mistake, and he does want to move forward making things work with his family. he doesn't want to throw 37 years out the door with his wife. >> petraeus also adamantly denies he gave any classified information to broadwell. that issue could come up when petraeus testifies to congress about the benghazi attack. he is scheduled to hold a closed-door meeting with briefings with both the house and senate intelligence
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committees. those meetings tomorrow. retired general james spider marks. first of all, i want to ask a little bit because we are seeing what is taking place in israel. we'll get to petraeus and the scandal, but we saw my colleague ashleigh banfield, actually, interviewing the israeli defense minister ehud barack. they talked about the possibility of air raids taking place in televeef at this moment. when you see what is taking place between gaza and the israelis and the level of tension and now escalation how concerned are you? >> terribly concerned. this could be a full-fledged war. we saw tanks over at the golan heights. very commanding view, as you know, if you have walked that terrain and have any appreciation for the folds in that terrain, the vulnerability of israel, and how they were able to sur vif as a nation over the course of those two wars back in 1967 and then 1973. it's quite amazing that they're back there, but they're still armed. israel certainly is a nation
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under arms. all citizens are committed to service of some sort. the relationship with hamas is extremely difficult. it's an incredibly jammed piece of terrain. many folks are living in there. obviously, there is a view of inadequacies in terms of support that exists in gaza, and the build-up tensions that exist. we've seen this before. the key is how do you keep it under control, and the only way you do is like the israelis are doing right now. they're doing very precise targeting against very pinpoint targets. you want to limit -- certainly limit the collateral damage that could take place. >> we know that u.s. secretary of defense leon panetta made that point to defense minister ehud barack saying it was important that there are surgical strikes, that you don't see these mass civilian casualties. do you think that's even possible here? do you think that they are heeding those warnings and that that perhaps would limit the amount of firepower, the amount
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of civilian casualties, and the escalation that could happen in the next hours and days to come? >> well, i know the israeli defense force, some of the now senior leaders, they will make every effort to employ precision-guided munition against known targets. the collateral damage, that is casualties that might be -- that the civilian population might incur as a result of these strikes, certainly goes into the calculation of the strikes, but it's necessary to go after those that are shooting rockets and, in fact, the networks where the insurgent activities are taking place, being planned, and then being launched. israel has to go after those. will there be collateral damage? the answer is yes, and it needs to be minimized, and israel understands that, and they will do it, but they also have a right to defend themselves. >> and last question regarding the breaking news here before we go on to the scandal, one of the
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things that u.s. officials have expressed concern is the role of egypt with its leadership. a relationship that is much closer now to hamas. is that something that the white house should be concerned about? i mean, that really does seem like really a wild card in all of this. >> suzanne, i don't think it's a wild card. you are spot on. they do need to be concerned about it. more importantly, they need to do something about it to insure that israel is able to prosecute what it needs against hamas and that egypt and the muslim brotherhood stay out of any type of direct engagement or support to what is taking place in gaza right now. that would truly inflame and kind of put into greater can i ones what's taking place in the middle east, so israel needs to breathe -- apologies. egypt needs to breathe through their nose and just stay where they are. hamas and israel are going to have to work this out, and they don't need to have other folks meddling other than to try to
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get them to calm down, you know, settle the situation a little bit. >> to the other story that we're following. obviously, the scandal involving the former cia director general david petraeus and general allen, john allen. secretary of defense leon panetta has jumped into all of this, ordering an ethics training for generals to be reviewed here. do you think, first of all, that that is the right way to go? do you think that's an adequate response at this time? you have been a general 30 years in the military. is this kind of review helpful? >> it is, suzanne. every time the military has a challenge that demonstrates a weakness in one of those elements that would -- that we would call foundational to the success of the military, you have to take what's called a stand-down or a review. you spend time focussing very narrowly and deeply on one particular vertical and in this case it's values. we not only have this issue with dave petraeus and toe poe teshlly john allen, but the
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defendant defense just demoted general kip ward from his four stars to three stars. we have a four star that acted with indiscretion apparently for some time at fort bragg. we have ae three star -- there are multiple examples that are in the pages of the media today, and in our forefront to demonstrate that in many cases we've lost sight of these values that we learned. this is like breathing air, and now all of a sudden we're wandering aimlessly with a few very, very visible figures. so, yes, short answer is it makes sense to go after this and take some time to kind of pull at it and get folks to agree that it needs to be done. >> clearly there are a lot of questions still that remain about benghazi, the attack there in benghazi. we have learned now that secretary of state hillary clinton is going to be testifying before those committees that are -- want some answers though to those questions. what does that significant few to you? >> well, it's bornt that the secretary of state be visible inside those -- hopefully these
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are closed and classified sessions, both with the house and the senate. it's her ambassador that was killed. it was that team in libya that was killed. she'll be able to demonstrate what she knew and when she knew it, and it really is all about what did we know prior to the attacks? what was our assessment, our united states assessment, of the environment and the conditions on the ground and had we in advance positioned the right resources to mitigate risk and to make sure that we could handle those known possibilities? >> all right. general marks, thank you very much. appreciate it. i want to go back to the attacks on israel and gaza. the u.n. security council now holding an emergency closed door session about the crisis. member nations called for this. maximum restraints so the situation does not deteriorate any further. the big fear is that the escalating violence could echo the 2008 war that led to israel's land invasion of gaza. the year-long war killed some
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1,400 palestinians and israeli. fred joining us from jerusalem. fred, first of all, we saw the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu speaking earlier about the escalating violence, the tension here. here's what he said. >> no government would tolerate a situation where nearly one-fifth of its people live under a constant barrage of rockets and missile fire, and israel will not tolerate this situation. this is why my government has instructed the israeli defense forces to conduct surgical strikes against a terrorist infrastructure in gaza. >> here's how hamas responded in their press conference today. >> some think it is easy to kill people in gaza, it is easy to enter gaza, it is easy to do everything, what you want in gaza here, but we say that gaza is not easy bond. you can't eat gaza in one minute. if you do something, we will react.
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>> so, fred, tell us what the -- this is two versions of the truth. tell us what is taking place on the ground from where you are? what are you seeing? what do you make of what's happening? >>. >> the israeli air raids are going on. both sides ruping the antti as they go along, rather than things de-escalating here. the other thing that's going on is there's now been air raid sirens going off in the town of tel aviv, which is, of course, the biggest city in israel and you saw pictures on israeli tv of people there hitting the deck, going to the ground, going into a brace position. obviously, in anticipation of possibly rockets falling on tel aviv. now, we have gotten now a message from the spokesperson for the israeli defense forces who says he is not aware that any rockets actually landed in tele1r50e6. however, several projectiles did land on the outskirts of southern the southern fringe of the greaters metropolitan tel aviv area, and if a rocket did hit tel aviv, that would be a
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massive escalation of what's going now, and we just heard general marks talking about how the israeli defense forces were trying to take out rocket positions inside gaza. they have launched no less than 100 missile launching sights, and they say so far they believe their operation is going kre ve well. on the other hand, you still have a lot of rockets that being being launched out of gaza. more than 200 being launched alone today. the palestinians, of course, will tell you that these air raids that are going by the israeli are anything but surgical. they say that sore far 15 people have been killed, two of them children. suzanne. >> fred, keep us posted. obviously, a very tense situation taking place in israel and the gaza strip. thank you. a woman who is denied an abortion that could have saved her life. her death in ireland has now sparked protests and prompted new questions about the country's strict anti-abortion laws. still the most dependable, longest-lasting
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a pregnant woman dies after being refused an abortion that has sparked outrage in ireland. there are some of the strictest anti-abortion laws in the world. this case has in m people demanding that the laws be rewritten to save women's lives. nick robertson has more. >> reporter: happier days. dancing with a friend. her family now mourning her loss. the 31-year-old died in an irish hospital refused an abortion that could have saved her life. >> you can't help the baby, why did they not look at the bigger life? >> there's an interview recorded with irish times journalist kitty holland that has ignited a firestorm across ireland and beyond. >> the abortion issue is the most divisive issue in irish
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society. there's a huge pro-life lobby equally vocal. pro-choice lobby. it's an extremely emotional issue. >> now triggering fierce debate in the irish parliament. >> it is record she died of blood poisoning after according to her husband being refused a termination by miscarrying. >> there are two investigations taking place at the moment. i think it's only right and appropriate that the facts be determined by both of those investigations. >> as reported by the irish times she was admitted to ireland's goway university hospital sunday, october 1st. she was 17 weeks pregnant, was miscarrying, and told she would leeblg lose her baby. seven days later she was dead. she had pleaded her doctor for a termination, but for two and a half days while her fetus had a heart beat, they refused.
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>> on tuesday morning she came back and said that i'm sorry, we can't help you because it's a catholic country, that, you know, we can't take -- that she's not catholic. she's a hen due, so why impose the law on her? >> the hospital at the center of the case has already begun an investigation, but they will not comment on the details of the case in. in a written statement they say in the case of a sudden maternal death, these procedures are followed. notification of the death to the coroner, notification of the death to the hse's, national incident management team. the completion of a maternal death notification form. these national procedures are being followed by the university hospital. none of this enough to prevent passions far beyond ireland from being lit. this demo outside the irish
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embassy in london gathering not just to remember savita, but stop a repeat of her tragic death. savita's husband is back with her family in india. all coming to terms with their loss of a wife, of a dar, of a first grandchild. a death everyone here hopes won't be in vein, that it will lead to a change in the irish abortion law. nick roberson, cnn, london. this is an unusual sight for jordan. check this out. we're talking about hundreds taking to the streets shouting slogans against their king. we'll have a live report. anncr: some politicians seem to think medicare and...
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>> jordan has been one of those stable nations, but protesters are now out in force. they want their government now to listen. >> aleast one persoa that i city. arwa damon is live in the capital of amman. you have covered jordan many, many years, have been there a couple of times. it is always a place where you feel comfortable, whether it's a sense of stability here how is this unraveling? >> well, this is mostly centering around the economy, and it is important to know that jordan, in fact, experienced its first demonstrations back in december of 2010. people demonstrating wanting to see economic reforms, wanting to see an end to corruption. prize over it is last two years,
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and the government increased the cost of fuel, of cooking gas, of kerosene, daesel. that is what is really enraging people. cooking gas, for example, we want up more than 50%. government is saying it had to take such moves because of its drastic deficit. people really feel right now that that deficit is because of deposit corruption, because of mismanagement of funds. they want to see this decision reversed. they want on to see the government address the real problem. >> king abdullah, do they want to see him out? is that the solution here? is that what they're calling for? >> it's also important to point out that we are hearing something that would have been unheard of two years ago. that is small groups of demonstrators -- we must emphasize they are small groups of demonstrators, asking for the
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regime to fall. directing their anger at the king himself asking him to step down. that is not a widespread sent meant. we are hearing a growing number of voices making that drastic demand. many jordanians we've been talking to are saying in recent times, this is the most worried they've ever been about the stability of their country. it is wide will he considered the most successful investors, so when warren buffett talks, people, they listen, like other own poppy harlow. her exclusive interview just ahead. how do you get from here... to here? at university of phoenix we're moving career planning forward so you can start figuring that out sooner. ln fact, by thinking about where want your education to lead, while you're still in school, you might find the best route... leads somewhere you weren't even looking.
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fears of an all-out war between israelis and palestinians is growing today. let's zoom into the map here. this is where hundreds of missiles are being launched between the two sides right now. now, the tipping point came yesterday with the targeted killing you see on the screen
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there. this is incredible israeli military video showing a car carrying the leader of hamas's military. this is in gaza city, and an israeli rocket hits it, obliterating everyone in the car, including this popular and influential hamas military chief amid al jabar. the israeli government spokesman says that he was killed because he heads a terror military machine and that he is a known and wanted terrorist. israeli war planes dropped leaflets in gaza warning residents to keep their distance from militants and hamas facilities. supporters took the -- they also fired guns in the air celebrating news of israelis' deaths. then there was retaliation and counter retaliation as well.
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hamas forces fired rockets into israel that struck an apartment complex killing three people there. israeli forces continued a blistering assault sending a barrage of rockets to what it calls a hundred rocket launch and infrastructure site. 13 people were killed. six hamas fighters arrest civilians, including two children and a pregnant woman. >> when you see these attack from both sides, make sense of this. put this in context for us here. >> you know, this sort of tactic, what happened to al jabari, this is an attack that's been used for years.
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back in 2003 i was 500 meters away when apappy helicopters fired into missiles into the car of a leader of hamas at the time. this has been going for a long time. why this guy? well, he was the head of a hamas military wing. he was also very senior within the political wing as well. he was the man who is said to have masterminded the kidnapping of the israeli soldier, and then organized his release as well. on the other side, i was talking to an unofficial negotiator who helped negotiate the release. a draft had been drawn up. he had gotten that draft in his hand hours before he was killed. this was a man trying in some ways to keep a lid on the rocket by hamas, anyway.
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on the other hand, he was blamed for israel for being behind. >> people are detribing this -- some say a insurgent cal strike and some say a political assassination. when you look at violence in the area, does this look like it's going to get worse in the hours and days to come. >>. >> the answer to that is -- i kind of like the surgical strike. gaza is one of the most densely populated places in the world. even the most surgical of strikes has consequences collaterally, but will it get worse? it depends. if one of these missiles fires from gaza, lands in a residential area of tel aviv, which hasn't been hit by anything since the first gulf war, then you can imagine a ground incursion happening, and we saw what happened back in 2008 of more than 1,200 palestinians that were killed. half of them civilians. it could go that way. now, egypt, israel, the palestinians, they don't want a ground incursion. that's not going work for anyone. the problem is these things can
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get out of hand. ehud barack has warned against these kinds of strikes. what do you think that means? the fact that the u.s. is already trying to get involved at this stage of the game. >> >> it has to get involved in a verbal sense. they have to make these phone calls. you know what, let's look back. every time the president -- president obama has been involved in anythings substantial with israel lately they basically ignored him. we need to calm down and sort this out. that's fine. i don't think israel will listen. i don't. they haven't been in the last few years, and i don't think they will now. they make their own decisions on the ground. they didn't tell the u.s. they were going to do this. they never will. i'm a little bit more, i don't know -- a little bit more less than optimistic when it comes to that. >> okay. we're going to have to see what
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happens. obviously, there's a lot that is taking place on the ground. very worrisome on all sides. thank you, michael. appreciate it. he is joining us to talk about his latest work. we find the best, sweetest crab for red lobster that we can find. [ male announcer ] hurry in to red lobster's crabfest! the only time of year you can savor 5 succulent crab entrees, all under 20 dollars. like a half-pound of tender snow crab paired with savory grilled shrimp, just 12.99. or our hearty crab and roasted garlic seafood bake. [ forsythe ] if i wouldn't put it on my table at home, i wouldn't bring it in. my name's jon forsythe, and i sea food differently.
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it's been more than three years since a bomb blast in afghanistan took the life of army captain brian bubba bunting. as part of our series veterans in focus we take a look now at how his wife mickey continues to keep his memory alive in the eyes of two young sons that he left behind. >> there you go. >> scoop it up. scoop it up.
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>> lacrosse is something that bubba and i just always dreamed of watching our kids play. he really analyzes the game, and he plays it well, which is just like his dad. ♪ >> bubba always dreamed of being a dad. that's kind of all he ever wanted to be. he was gone for about ten months and was training the afghani national police. he came home for about two and a half weeks. that was his r & r period. it was awesome. connor had changed so much, so it was really cool to see bubba's reaction to all the new things that connor could do. he really, really, really loved his friends and family. he would do anything for them. even if that meant, you know, paying the ultimate sacrifice. ♪ once he was back and he was there for about four days,
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that's when he was killed by an ied. >> there, cooper. >> inside. >> oh, yeah. kitty cat doesn't want to come inside. >> cooper, my little one, he is just my little miracle baby. we wanted so badly to have another baby sfwloosh are you going to wear daddy's hat. yeah? >> four days after i found out he was killed is when i found out i was pregnant. >> oh, let's see. a little big. >> i try to keep his memory alive with everything i do really. >> look how big you guys are smiling. >> i talk about him all the time. >> this is his belt. >> we have a room that's kind of dedicated to him. >> you see that thing hanging up on the wall sna sn that's his saber. >> he told me before he deployed if anything ever happened to him that he would be okay because he had everything that he ever wanted in life because he had
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sdmrimplts if are with the romney campaign in -- >> different feeling here. romney is talking mostly about the consequences of re-electing obama -- high unemployment, slow growth, the directl of kathululu will rise from the
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ocean and -- >> is that -- >> thank god. you hear that too? because nobody is playing it. there is no dj, nothing. there is no sound system. it's really kind of eerie. >> covering the romney campaign for "the daily show." he has been on the show since 2006. he has been stealing the spotlight since his first school play sense he was 7 years old. assef joins us now. what are you doing? after election fatigue, what -- >> election fatigue. i feel like -- what's that. >> what are you going to do? >> i went right from the sort of election stuff on "the daily show" right into this play, so i have been working straight up. >> tell me about it. >> it's at the lincoln center. it's called "disgrace." it's not a comedy. for people who have seen "the daily show" and know me from "the daily show" it's a very different sort of experience. it's a dramatic roll.
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it's dealing with a lot of identity politics. >> tell me about the identity politics because that's one of the things mainly that you saw president obama win a coalition. a lot of groups of people. you're playing a pakistani-american struggling with identity issues. >> yes. absolutely. well, you know, i think it raises a big thing in america right now. what it means to be muslim-american. a lot of people think obama is muslim, and they use that -- >> a significant percent. >> it's scary. not only is he muslim, but they use that as a way to sort of undermine him somehow or, you know, delegitimatize him some n some way which is always a weird thing as a muslim to have my religion used as a way to delegitimatize the president. you know? yeah, this play sort of deals with a lot of that stuff. it's a very brave, provocative piece of theater, and i was very
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excited about it. >> why did you take on this role, because it is so different than what you normally do? >> well, i'm an actor, so i have been doing dramatic stuff and comedic stuff my whole career. ever since i played that pixie in the school play. thank god people know about that now. >> roll the tape. where is that? >> there probably is somewhere. i've been doing both my whole career, so, know, the last six or seven years i have been on "the daily show" and people know me as that guy, that comedian guy, but for me to go do dramatic stuff is not that much of a stretch. i have been doing it a lot. >> when you saw how the election turned out and we have heard from mitt romney very recently saying that, look, he thought the reason obama won says was because he thought there were gifts he was giving out to african-americans, to latino, to young people. >> cars and things? >> he gets a free car. >> very offensive to some
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republicans who have actually called him out and said, you know, that doesn't really sound how it played out here. >> i think ethnic people like gichts, so i think it's a good strategy. >> what are you talking about? >> everyone loves gifts. it just seems like -- i mean, can you take that seriously really, that kind of comment? you know, it sounds like he is just trying to figure out a reason why he lost. i mean, it's sort of sour grapes. >> how do we change it? how do you think? do you think comedy. what you do, do you think that kind of makes people wake up a little bit and look at themselves a little bit in the mirror and say, okay, maybe i am being unreasonable or this is stupid, what i'm saying? >> what we do on the daily show is very cathartic for people. sometimes we get to call b.s. on a lot of stuff that people at home are going i can't believe that they're actually talking about this seriously.
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like, for example, the mitt romney thinks that obama won because he gave gifts to ethnic people. >> do you have another bowl that we should be looking out for? >> i have a movie coming out with owen olson is and vince vaughn called "the internship" where they play two 40-year-old guys who intern at google. >> okay. >> and i play the head of the google intern program, and it's very, very funny. excited about that. >> you got a serious side and a funny cide. we get to see it. all we have to let you go. we'll bring you back. >> hey, it was nice to meet you again. >> nice to see you again, as al. thank you. many americans now looking for financial advice, so this is an interview, of course, you're going to want to hear this. this is warren buffett talking about china, europe, and the fiscal cliff to our own cnn. our abundant natural gas is already saving us money, producing cleaner electricity, putting us to work here in america and supporting wind and solar. though all energy development comes with some risk, we're committed to safely and responsibly
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bp announced it's going to pay a record fine of $4.5
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billion. that's right. for its role in the gulf spill in the gulf of mexico. an explosion on the bp hor deepwater horizon. all federal criminal charges and s.e.c. claims. b.p. also agreed to plead guilty to 11 felony counts under the proposed settlement. china's communist party has a new leadership. the party today named seven men to its powerful governing body. now, these transitions have an only once a decade. the appointments were made in a ceremony that emphasized party unity. the new party boss is xi jiping. he is set to take over the presidency in march. several dark horse candidates who favored speedy economic reforms, they were left off the leadership committee. billionaire investor warren buffett talked about china's impact on the world economy. he sat down for an exclusive interview with my colleague poppy harlow. it was his first public comment to cnn since president obama won re-election.
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he is a key obama supporter, and he says that china and the u.s. must iron out their differences. >> there will be certain tennings between us. there have been tensions between us in people like people in the u.k. or something. we have to get along with the chinese, and the chinese have to get along with us over time. >> what stance should the president take on china now in his second term? >> well, i -- it depends on the exact circumstances that develop, but we want a prosperous world outside the wraits, and the world is getting more prosperous outside the united states in general over the last 20 or 30 years, and that's a good thing. >> i want to bring in poppy. i love how you get these exclusives with warren buffett all the time. it's fantastic. i love it. talk about what he said about the euro zone and the fact that he might be going back into recession. what does that mean for us? >> the numbers told us today
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that europe did fall technically back into a resellings, and, you know, all the talk has been about the fiscal cliff, which is important, but when you talk about the global economy, europe is critical, right? it's the biggest consumer of u.s. goods. he weighed in on that and his answer surprised me. take a listen. >> do you think that the euro zone will survive this, warren? >> i don't know. they have to -- they have to work out something where they coordinate. they either get closer together or further apart. the president's system is unstable, and they've seen that instability manifested, but europe isn't going to go away. i mean, they will be a huge market. they'll be producing lots of things. >> the euro zone may not make it through this. >> it's hard to tell exactly how it comes out. >> wow. i think to hear him say it's hard to tell whether the euro zone makes it through is pretty telling, so there are a lot of questions about europe, absolutely. >> it sounds a little alarming, but, you know, i guess there are nuances to it as well. he talked about the fiscal
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cliff. >> he did. >> this is somebody who has been very, very important to president obama, even before he became president. what does he think? does he think the president should allow it to happen, or -- >> he does, and i'll let you listen to him in a minute. he thinks the president has to take an incredibly hard line here in these negotiations which started at the white house tomorrow with republicans saying, you know, if we have to pass december 31st without an agreement, then so be it. we need the right agreement. he doesn't want us to fall over the fiscal cliff. he told me that he wants lawmakers to choose country over party and do everything they can to reach an agreement, but he doesn't just want my agreement. here's how he explained it to me. >> what is the likelihood of the united states falling into a recession if we go over the cliff? >> i don't think that's going to happen. i think that if we go past january 1st, whether it's january 1st or january 10th, we won't permanently cripple ourselves because 535 people can't get along. >> he said -- this is a quote here -- he said you have to make
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every attempt not to do it, not to go over the cliff, but that doesn't mean you roll over and give away the store. he wants the president to push really hard here, especially on taxes and increased tax rates for the wealthy. not just closing the loopholes, but increasing those rates, and that's where you will have all this fighting. >> he believe the president has a mandate. does he have any idea who he is going to go for? >> didn't we just get through an election? this surprise medicine. we are talking about women and the importance that he believes women play in the economy. he had a lot to say about that, and so i asked him what about a woman president in 2016. he said it should be hillary clinton. he has told me he doesn't think there's any more qualified candidate. now, i don't know if she wants the job or not. remember, in 2008 he gave money to both obama ask clinton, so he is a staunch supporter. >> we'll see if he picks up the phone and asks her to run. thank you, poppy. good to see you, as always. coming up, it is ant a clown car. it's a world record attempt. we'll show you how many people can squeeze their way into a
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today record day. when comes to weird stuff, this is the kind of thing that everybody thinks they want to break a reported here. ♪ suzanne malveaux. officials are briefing members of congress on the terrorist attack at a u.s. consulate in benghazi. senator john mccain calls the administration's handling of the
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event a coverup. >> this president, this administration has either been guilty of colossal incompetence or engageed in a coverup, neither of which are acceptable to the american people. >> why does he say this before the hearings? well, we actually want to talk about the president also touring the hard-hit areas of superstorm sandy this hour. he is expected to spoost speak as soon as 1:30 p.m. eastern. we're going to bring that to you live when it happens. also, we're going to start this hour with the scandal that's swirling around the former cia director david petraeus. sxwlirchlgts for the first time former cia director david petraeus is now opening up to the media about the sex scandal that has ended his military career. speaking in detail with our sister network hln's kyra phillips. kyra has known petraeus for years, including a 30-minute live interview on the anniversary of the iraq war. she's had several occasions and conversations to talk with him
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since this scandal broke. kyra says petraeus called the affair a big mistake, says he has not spoken to broadwell in months. earlier today kyra told hln's robin meade that petraeus stressed he wants to make things right with his wife. >> in our first conversation he had told me he had engaged in something dishonorable, and he sought to do the honorable thing in response, and that was to come forward. he was very clear that he screwed up terribly, that it was all his fault, and even that it -- that he felt fortunate to have a wife who is far better than he deserves. obviously, he is taking it really hard. he knows he made a big mistake, and he does want to move forward making things work with his family. he doesn't want to throw 37 years out the window with his wife. he has said this has nothing to do with benghazi, and he wants to testify. he will testify.
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he has maintained to me all along that this was a personal failing, robin, which, as i have said, to me was quite stunning and to many other people. he is not the type of person that i have ever known to fail at anything, knowing hem as long as i have over the years. so he has made it very clear that this was about an extramarital affair and not over classified information or benghazi. >> petraeus is scheduled to testify about the benghazi attack before the house and senate intelligence committee. that's happening tomorrow. secretary of state hillary clinton will testify before the house foreign affairs committee. that is going to happen next month. political rhetoric is reaching a boiling point as you can imagine over the deadly attack on the u.s. mission in benghazi, libya. republicans, they stepped up their criticism of the obama administration after the president's strong defense yesterday of u.n. ambassador suzanne rice. rice originally said the attack
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resulted from protests over an anti-islamic video. while some democrats defended rice today, one congressman called the president a liar. >> what is clear is that this administration, including the president himself, has intentionally misinformed, lied to the american people in the aftermath of this tragedy. >> information that rice received, she cede from the administration, and that information is what she knew at that time. whether or not she knew other information and whether or not she told the truth, that is not an issue here. >> the fact is without iffing gu intoou all the details, documents received so that in 24 hours of the attack people m intelligence community believe that this was a terrorist attack, there was a planned attack, and so when they knew that the day after, which would have been september 12th, why on september 14th was general petraeus saying it was not a terrorist attack.
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why did susan rice carry that out. the president can't have it both ways. >> hmm. well, the bitter back and forth continues. the house intelligence committee is holding a closed door hearing on the attack that killed u.s. ambassador chris stevens and three other americans. more on the fallout from the libya attack. want to bring in dana bash, and, dana, you have been watching, staking outle intelligence committee hearing. there is reports i guess that there might be a videotape or something. do we know that there is a tape, surveillance tape, that exists of the attack? do we know that? >> well, this comes from our national security correspondent, suzanne, kelly who is reporting that what is going on behind those closed doors. it'seen going, on this t intelligence officials brought with them closed-circumstance yult video which from the compound that was recovered from the compound that, of course, was attacked in benghazi, and they're playing it for these lawmakers and the point, according to suzanne's
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sources, is to show them that it wasn't entirely clear whether this was planned or whether this was spontaneous because there were people milling about there. it's kind of dicey getting information because these are highly classified briefings, particularly when it comes to this particular video. that's going on. just more broadly, this is the first time that the intelligence committee -- the house now and the senate, will be briefed this afternoon, is getting a full account from the perspective of intelligence folks of what they knew and when they knew it. >> what is the best way that they think they can get this information? some i understand are calling for watergate style committee to actually investigate this attack. >> that's right. that is definitely something that john mccain and lindsey graham, and kelly uock, the flee senators that had a press
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conference that turned intledably tense. the problem is they don't have a lot of support for that. not just from democrats, but just from some of the fellow republicans. listen who what house speaker john boehner said about that throwing cold water on it. >> at this point i think that the standing committees of the house whether they be the oversight committee or the intelligence committee are working diligently on these issues, and at this point i think that's appropriate. >> now, what john mccain and his colleagues are arguing is that there's too much stove piping going on. there are too many committees, and twoul today is a good example. there are hearings going on all over capitol hill and then probably will continue to be. they think it all should be streamlined into one committee, but, suzanne, using the term watergate, using the term coverup, saying what did he know, when did he know it, talking about the president, not exactly a way to get bipartisan support for something that, you know, democrats clearly don't
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want. it is absolutely -- you mentioned at the beginning, very, very tense, particularly between these two old rivals, john mccain and president obama. >> not the way to bite -- get the bipartisanship going. okay, dana. thank you. >> sandy victims still now left in the dark. >> why did they forget us? why are we not part of the community that's getting the lights and we're still here and we're freezing now. >> here still paying for electricity, but they aren't even receiving it. mitt romney says president obama won because he promised gifts to key groups. the republican party isn't standing by romney's remarks. cnn newsroom, and it's all happening right now. consider the silverado 1500 -- still the most dependable, longest-lasting full-size pickups on the road. and now we've also been recognized for lowest total cost of ownership -- based on important things, like depreciation, fuel, and maintenance costs. and now trade up to get a 2012 chevy silverado all-star edition with a total value of $9,000.
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two and a half weeks after the storm hit about 4400 people still without power. it's a far cry from the 7.9 million at the height of the storm, but now you got some people who lost electricity. they are now suing the utility companies. joining us to talk about the lawsuits, cnn legal contributor paul cowan. >> nice to be with you, suzanne, in person, finally. >> we are talking about the three companies facing legal action. you have long island power authority, jersey central power and light, and cable vision being sued by people who lost internet and phone service. is this unusual? should they be held accountable? >> it's not unusual. lawyers flock to these class action lawsuits because they'll put together literally millions of potential plaintiffs, so you can imagine what the fees for the lawyers will be. they get a portion of the total recovered. they're very, very common in disaster situations. we saw a lot of them filed during the katrina case, but a hard, hard case to win.
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it's an act of god. we set up and were properly set up an ordinary storm, but not something like this. 100 year storm. >> when you look at the cases dealing with katrina. do you think they have a pretty strong case, that they're not ultimately going to lose this? >> well, i think the utilities can put a strong defense on the board. the defense being we didn't anticipate a storm of this magnitude hitting the east coast of the united states. e-mail yonz of dollars were recovered in many suits against utilities, marinas, the u.s. army corps of engineers, huge numbers of class actions filed during the course of that litigation. bp, of course, just settled today in a criminal case. i wouldn't say that, you know, the long island people and the new jersey people are going to lose. they have got to prove that this was gross nelgs, that they should have anticipated a storm of this magnitude, and weren't properly prepared.
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>> also, breach of contract. you mentioned that as well. how did they do that? >> well, whenever you sign up with the utility company, it's a contract. they're contracting to give you power, and you are contracting to pay them. they're going to come in and say, you know, that the power companies breached the contract. i'm thinking about it myself. my law firm is closed down for almost two weeks as a result of power loss in lower manhattan. >> you're thinking of suing? >> well, i don't know. you know? >> come on. really? >> i'm going to watch these. lawyers don't usually sue on their own behalf. we just do it for other people. i'm watching it, because, frankly, if there is a recovery, there are a lot of businesses, including law firms, that were hurt by the storm. >> we saw the head of the long island power folks, the big resign, at least the very head there. is that good enough if you say, you know, if the company says, look, we're getting rid of all the people that failed you or do they still have a claim, a monetary claim. >> we have to see how the sausage was made here. by that i mean they have to have a contingency plan for this kind of a storm. what was the backup?
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how many people were lined up to come in from other states to assist on long island and new jersey? if that backup plan was reasonable, they'll win the case, but on the other hand, if they were doing this on the cheap and were trying to pocket their profits and not prepare for worst case scenarios, the worst case scenario they're going to be seeing is a recovery in this class action case because there are going to be millions of potential plaintiffs. >> you get more benefits? >> you do, and the real reason for consumers is if you only have a small claim --mehareig i no lawyer is iffing to take that worth $150, $200. case. if there are a million refrigerators $150 combined, then it becomes a huge lawsuit, and that's the only way that you can get lawyers to take these cases. they flock in. they -- these layers, these class action lawyers, they're the ones who fly their own private jets because the recoveries are so big in these cases. it's a real money-making part of the profession. >> you let me know if you end up in a class action lawsuit. >> i will. i will. i don't -- i probably will not
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because i want to be able to comment on them here at cnn, okay? >> great to see you, paul, as always. violence along the israeli-gaza border now intensifying. are they headed towards another all-out war? i'm a conservative investor. i invest in what i know. i turned 65 last week. i'm getting married. planning a life. there are risks, sure. but, there's no reward without it. i want to be prepared for the long haul. i see a world bursting with opportunities.
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there's an all-out war between israelis and palestinians growing today. hundreds of missiles are being launched back and forth between the two sides right now. the tipping point came yesterday when an israeli rocket obliterated a car carrying a leader of hamas's military in gaza city. well, the israeli government spokesman says that al aljabari was killed because he heads a terror military machine. sarah seidner is joining us from gaza city. first of all, it sounds like the air strikes not going to end soon. what is going on the ground where you are, first of all, and
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how worried are people that this is going to escalate into a full-out war? >> suzanne, i'll answer your first question first. basically what we've been hearing since we've been here this morning and into the night are constant air strikes. they have come every few hours. we hear them. they are very, very loud. you know that they are air strikes because you can first hear the airplane. then you hear this sort of rumbling boom, and then you can see the black smoke, plumes of smoke, coming up from different parts of the city. we know there have been several today because we've seen different parts of the city, these huge plumes of black smoke and the sound that comes from the air strikes. we have also seen rockets from different parts of the city going towards israel from gaza. so far there have been more than 110 air strikes since the head of hamas's military wing was assassinateed in his car by israel. israel saying they were targeting him, calling him a
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number one terrorist, according to the military spokesperson, but people here who backed hamas revered him. he was also a founder of hamas, and he also was the commander -- we also know there have been at least 196 rockets that have rained down on israel. many of those caught by the iron dome defense system, knocked out into the sdi, but still a very scary situation, and we know that there are deaths on both sides of the border. 15 people now confirmed dead here in gaza. three people killed in israel. we know a rocket hit an apartment complex this morning when we were on side of the border very close to the area killing people inside that apartment. one person also was hurt there. the situation not getting better. it is not as bad, though, according to residents here, as it was last night. they're not seeing the barrage of air strikes, the same as they did yesterday, but still, the situation has not really calmed
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down much. suzanne. >> defense minister ehud barack saying forces are trying to target precisely so there are few civilian -- >> launching capability and -- to the extent we can. we are doing it in an extremely surgical manner because -- >> including nine hamas militants, but also two children and a pregnant woman, so how is that working on the ground? how do you assess that? >> well, you know, the air strikes, they are trying to be very targeted. they are looking for places, for example, buildings that might be filled with explosives or ammunition.
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they are taking them to place that is densely populated. we understand now from health official that is 120 people have been injured, so we're talking now 15 dead, 120 people injured, 20 of those women, 21 of those children. there is the difficulty of this being a very densely populated place, and if you are going to perform an air strike somewhere how many people might be in the buildings that you are hitting. >> all right. sarah seidner, thank you very much. excellent reporting, as always. bp agrees now to plead guilty to a dozen felony charges connected to the 2010 gulf oil spill. the company is going to pay the biggest criminal fine in u.s. history. [ female announcer ] imagine skin so healthy, it never gets dry again.
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can your moisturizer do that? [ female announcer ] dermatologist recommended aveeno has an oat formula, now proven to build a moisture reserve, so skin can replenish itself. that's healthy skin for life. only from aveeno. so skin can replenish itself. try running four.ning a restaurant is hard, fortunately we've got ink. it gives us 5x the rewards on our internet, phone charges and cable, plus at office supply stores. rewards we put right back into our business. this is the only thing we've ever wanted to do and ink helps us do it. make your mark with ink from chase. oh, let me guess --ou see this? more washington gridlock. no, it's worse -- look, our taxes are about to go up.
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not the taxes on our dividends though, right? that's a big part of our retirement. oh, no, it's dividends, too. the rate on our dividends would more than double. but we depend on our dividends to help pay our bills. we worked hard to save. well, the president and congress have got to work together to stop this dividend tax hike. before it's too late. but i'm also on a lot of medications that dry my mouth out.
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barrels of oil gushing into the water. the fine settles all federal criminal charges and s.e.c. claims. bp also agreed plead guilty to 11 felony counts under the proposed settlement. ed is live in st. petersburg, florida, for us. ed, is this the end for bp here in this massive oil spill, or is there more to this? >> there will be much more. believe it or not, despite this massive settlement that was announced today, bp still faces many more liabilities that it must deal with, but the company is saying that this helps kind of smooth out the road and it will allow them to deal with the remaining of the claims that are still out there and the legal issues that they have to battle. that includes violences much the clean water act, and how much is spilling in the gulf of mexico, and that will boil down to it. they will be fined by that, so they still face those fines as
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well. >> hour would this actually be paid out? do we know yet? >> the breakdown, as you mentioned, the overall number is $4.5 billion, and when you break that down, that includes a $1.256 billion criminal fine. that is the most ever handed out in u.s. history. there's also almost $2.4 billion that will be given to the national fish and wildlife foundation as well as $350 million to the national academy of sciences, and a $520 25 million settlement to -- for the securities and exchange commission claims as well. that's the break dourn. >> is this considered a win all around or big loss for bp? is this a big win for those who suffered? >> well, the way the company is kind of spinning it today, you know, they say that they will not make any resolutions to these claims unless they find it to be in their words reasonable,
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so that's the way they have been saying that for several years, and that's what they say when they are talking about the claims that are still out there, that they're happy to sit down and negotiate with anyone as long as it is a reasonable settlement. there are still many lawsuits that are still spending. the fines from the federal clear act violation that is still must be sifted through as well. they feel that this kind of clears the board and allows them to proceed with all of that much more -- on a level playing field to describe what i have been told by company officials today. clearly they're happy with this. we expect to hear from the justice department who is scheduling a press conference in new orleans later today. we'll have a better indication. >> if you can believe this, election was just about a week ago. a little more than a week ago. mitt romney now saying that president obama won because he promised gifts to key groups.
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>> what the president's campaign did was focus on certain members of his base coalition, give them extraordinary financial gifts from the government, and then work very aggressively to turn them out to vote. >> controversy and the fallout from the presidential election. . and you really don't want to pay more than you have to. only citi price rewind automatically searches for the lowest price. and if it finds one, you get refunded the difference. just use your citi card and register your purchase online. have a super sparkly day! ok. [ male announcer ] now all you need is a magic carriage. citi price rewind. buy now. save later. ♪ [ male announcer ] it started long ago. the joy of giving something everything you've got.
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his fellow republicans. in a conference call with top campaign doneors romney said that president obama won by offering policies and gifts to african-americans, hispanics, college-age women and other young voters. here's what he said. >> what the president's campaign did was focus on certain members of his base coalition, give them extraordinary financial gifts from the government, and then work very aggressively to turn them out to vote. >> some republicans were quick to distance themselves and the party from romney's comments. here's what louisiana governor bobby jindal said. >> absolutely reject that notion, that description. i think that's absolutely wrong. that is not -- i don't think that that represents where we are as a party and where we're going as a party, and i think that has to be one of the most fundamental take-aways from this election. >> even some other republicans, even more fired up, including our cnn contributor and republican strategist anna
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navarro. you have been slamming romney on twitter. you tweeted this. you said romney, take responsibility for being a flawed candidate with delusional campaign with no vision. hispanics don't want gifts. we want opportunity." were you surprised at romney's comments? >> i just couldn't believe it. you know, i thought we had heard the last chapter of things romney says that he shouldn't say, and then he strikes again even after the election. this is just not constructive. i completely agree with governor jindal. i don't think it represents the republican party, and i think it's a man who lost an election and is trying to find an excuse of why he lost it, and it's not looking in the mirror and figuring out that maybe he had flaws as a candidate that maybe he didn't run as good a campaign as president obama did, but, you know, it is very dismissive and condee sending of entire blocks of people in this country. latinos, african-americans, young people. i mean, it's just offensive. >> there's some people who stay, you know, maybe the problem was
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the tone here, but that fundamentally the message was accurate. i want to you hear what columnist will caine said earlier on cnn. >> with regards to young people, for instance, the forgiveness of college loan interest was a big gift. free contraceptives were a very big thing with young college age women, and obama care made a big difference for them because, you know, anybody now 26 of age or younger is going to be part of their parent's plan. now, listen, we had historic turnout. for example, among young people. are you going to tell me that president obama's policies, many of them more crafted appeal to certain demographic groups. >> so anna, you know, is it parsing words here to call it a gift, or is will making a valid point here that these were policy initiative that is would be put in place and some have already been put in place that rewarded certain groups? >> suzanne, sometimes the politically correct thing to do is also the politically smart thing to do. sometimes the morally correct thing to do is also the politically smart thing to do. if we look at the dream act
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initiative, for example, that mitt romney called an amnesty, it's not an amnesty, and when he was on the campaign trail, he referred to these children as kids who have been brought here at no fault of their own. well, if they have no fault in it, then they are not guilty, and they're not about to be given an amnesty. they're given a chance. they're getting an opportunity to study and pursue an education. you know, let's remember that just a few years ago president george w. bush won 44% of the hispanic vote. it's not because he was giving gifts to the hispanics. it's because we knew he liked us. it's because we knew he understood us. it's because we move that he believed that we were an integral part of the fabric of this society. >> let me just read one more tweet here and get you to respond. you say you're livid that romney is saying obama won by offering gifts. look in the mirror, mitt. how does he make up for this, or the republican party for that
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matter? you're still a loyal republican. what do they need to do to kind of get on the right side of the issue, according to you? >> mitt romney doesn't speak for me. mitt romney is yesterday's news. he is no longer the candidate. he is no longer the nominee. i think somebody like bobby jindahl is more representative of the republican party. he is a sitting governor. is he the head of the republican governor's association. i think you're going to hear more voices on this like jeb bush, like a marco rubio, like lindsey gram, like john mccain, people w are going to have a much more vocal and big role in the republican party, and are going to be part of this new conversation. you know, mitt romney, i think he was just trying to make an excuse to his donors who have given him a lot of money on why he had lost, and it's easier to make an excuse and blame it on somebody else than to blame it on your own shortcomings. >> all right. we're ing aveo le i ere. i will see how the party braise itself together and attracts, you know, latinos and brings you back.
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you're still in the fold there, but clearly very upset with mitt romney's take on all of this. thank you, anna. good to see you, always always. >> thank you. >> there are still parts of staten island still in the d afr being hit hrd by superstorm sandy. that happened more than two weeks ago. the president is there this hour. we could hear from him any minute now, and actually see some video from that area touring that area. bring it to you live as soon as it comes in. americans believe they should be in charge of their own future. how they'll live tomorrow. for more than 116 years, ameriprise financial has worked for their clients' futures. helping millions of americans retire on their terms.
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to the president visiting now? are they impressed? do they care? are they emotional? the first thing we hear is we're happy the president is coming. the second thing is if the president comes, we need him to promise more support. other people say when he comes this time, i want abled bodies and machines and equipment. they want support like they're seeing here at the salvation army. >> there are other location that is hand out food and water and baby supplies and cleaning supplies. you know, the president will be speaking on cedar grove avenue in the new door area of stat staten island. he will be speaking in front of a store owned by a man named dominique tranya. he has lived there since 1959. i spoke with him yesterday, and he told me his reaction when he
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saw his childhood home, the home he raised his children in and that store demolished. listen. >> when you came back and saw this, what did you think? >> i cried. i don't know what i thought. i'm still in shock. you know, right now we're living in the basement. we have nothing. we have nothing. >> how do you start over? >> at 66 years old i don't know. i really don't. we're just going to stick together with the kids and trying to make the best of it. >> he hopes to speak with the president today, and he is going to ask him to support his neighbors, or at least the people who used to be his neighbors. i asked him if he wants to stay in that neighborhood. he said no. he wants to move to a place that's a little quieter because after 53 years in this community, this is just too much. suzanne. >> wow, that is such a tough story. victor, we're seeing pictures on the other side here of a group of reporters and people who have gathered who have obviously been
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covering the president's visit of staten island there. do you have a sense from talking with that gentleman that he wanted to see the president earlier? we know that mayor michael bloomberg said don't come. the president -- lisp, we have too much clean-up here, it would be a distraction. come at later date, and the president went to new jersey instead. is there anything that you think that gentleman wants to hear or see from the president now? >> from what i hear, this is a better time to come. all of what they want to hear from the president is about support and how the president will support this community moving ahead to six months and a year and 18 months into the recovery. they didn't want just some hugs and some kind words. they wanted a promise of support. i believe this is the time to come and to come with a promise that they will continue to support the staten island and all of new york and new jersey affected by superstorm sandy.
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>> yeah. victor, we know that the president, he is with the mayor bloomberg. he is also with the governor cuomo, as well as janet napolitano. who do you think of the folks still suffering in the neighborhood? what do you think of -- >> i spoke with a man named mike hoffman. he is a volunteering sending out people to gut those homes. if you could tell the president when you come down pack all of this on air for force one, give me the list, he said we need power tools, we need abled bodies, we need equipment, we need money, we need food and water, baby supplies. all the things that you need to rebuild a life and rebuild a home and a business because many of the people here have lived here for decades and they have nothing now. he said imagine waking up and your home that you built and your family and everything that you had for the last 25 years is gone. start over. >> well, victor, we are going to take the president live as soon as he steps up to the microphone
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and has something to say to the community that you have been speaking with, so victor, we really appreciate it. as we mentioned, the president is in new york right now getting a close-up look. you can see the live pictures there trying to assess some of the damage from hurricane sandy. he will go ahead and speak to that group that we're watching, keeping an eye on there. new york city 43 people perished from that superstorm from that hurricane. 23 of them in staten island, on staten island. he is in that community talking to the people there and obviously as soon as he starts we're going to take that live. scandal surrounding a former cia director just the public for the latest public embarrassment from many people who failed before. president bill clinton to former new york congressman anthony wiener. we'll take a look at powerful people behaving badly. so what do you think? basic.
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we're waiting for president obama. he is in new york right now getting a close-up look at the damage from hurricane sandy. he is in staten island.
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he will be addressing the photographers, reporters there that facility. as soon as he goes up to the podium, we'll bring that to you live. petraeus might be the most recent example of a powerful person having an extramarital affair. not the first. more than 200 years ago, founding father hamilton admitted to cheating. in recent years, president kennedy's affairs, lyndon b. johnson allegedly had a buzzer that sounded when his wife was on the way. what makes powerful people do it? clinical psychologist jeff gardere joining us. >> good to see you. >> when you look at the example of petraeus and whether the affair, the e-mails, powerful person and the two women involved, as well. they're married, they have kids. they have jobs. they're powerful in their own right and not like young interns or victims here. why this whole group, this whole
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culture? how do you explain their behavior? >> part of what's going on and the moral of the story, let's not just focus on men powerful cheating. women who are powerful also cheat. two wrongs don't make a right but women get more power and starting to do what men have done. in other words, they cheat because they can. they have charisma. they're type "a" permitsonaliti and risk risk takers and bleed out to other activities including infidelities. yes, people who are married, yes they should know better, but i think these are people who set their own rules and been successful because of it. people admire the fact that they're able to go out and grab life by the throat and, therefore, they feel that they can do this and they don't have to answer to anyone and i think that's why they're also so very sloppy about it. truth be told, there have been presidents as you have said who have been use stealth to have
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extramarital affairs and not found out until much later on or until after their passing. >> for them they don't believe the rules apply necessarily. does it make sense for that group of people, right, to be married in the first place? should they say, we don't be the married people and leave the mo nothing my to this set of people in the society? do you have an expectation of everybody living by the same model? >> well, i think people should live to a certain standard and fidelity is not dead. i think people should prior to aspire to that. a lot of power couples are what we call acrobat couples, not the way they have sex but acrobat to balance their careers, balance their children, and be able to still take vacations together, do all of those things. but what happens is they become so powerful, such type "as" they get the incredible jobs and hold on to them that they live apart.
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for some couples that may really work. for some it does not work at all and you have a powerful person on the one hand and their partner's at home who may not have that same excitement or power and people tend to attract other people just like them and therefore they form this club where they feel they can have the extracurricular activities. >> who are the silent partners at home? are they enabling the behavior? do they realize that it's going on? >> what a great question. i really do believe in this case we have at least one wife and two husbands who have been cheated on in this whole affair going on. this whole sordid mess and i think and it's not that i think i will tell you. holly petraeus may have been surprised by this but somewhere in the back of her mind i can tell you she probably suspected something was going on with her husband always away, who's always fit, who's a type "a" personality.
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two physician husbands part of this whole scenario. powerful in their own rights. very educated. high ses and probably may have suspected sub consciousness, why is it i never see my wife? why do i only see her -- we know that distance can help couples but too much distance can also hurt them, too. especially when there's time passing. >> i wish we had more time. >> so do i. >> we could talk about this all day. >> thank you. in less than 50 days, tax cuts set to expire. warren buffett doesn't seem to be concern. why he says let the fiscal cliff be a fiscal hike. go off the edge. [ man ] in hong kong, on my way to the board meeting...
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anne's tablet called my phone. anne's tablet was chatting with a tablet in sydney... a desktop in zurich... and a telepresence room in brazil. the secure cloud helped us get some numbers from my assistant's pc in new york. and before i reached the top, the board meeting became a congrats we sold the company party. wait til my wife's phone hears about this. [ cellphone vibrating ] [ female announcer ] with cisco at the center, working together has never worked so well.
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rainforest. >> this is your laboratory. >> yeah. you could consider this my lab. this is where i carry out my research, my field research. it's where i come to ask questions of the forest. my name is nalani and i'm a forest ecologist, science educator, a mother and a nature evangelist. i have felt this increasing sense of urgency to understand what's up here and document what's up here because we're losing it. i feel like i just can't stop. i can't stop. and i have to work harder to make a new program, to reach a new audience. >> i'm dr. sanjay gupta. this sunday on the next list, queen of the treetops. nalini. i want to go to new york, staten island in particular. this is where the spth touring some of the damage of hurricane sandy. at the microphones there you can see the governor cuomo making
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remarks, mayor bloomberg there and the president over his shoulder waiting. let's listen in. >> tens of thousands saw their homes damaged or destroyed. communities from statey island to far rockaway to linden hurst were devastated and 17 days ago we felt a new vulnerability for the first time. we have much to do. there is no doubt. we must provide shelter and support in the short term. we must repair thousands of homes and small businesses. we must reknit the fabric of tattered communities. we must rethink and redesign for the long term because extreme weather as we have learned is the new normal. but we are new yorkers, mr. president. we are tough. and we are resilient. and we will overcome and we will be the better for it. also, mr. president, we take comfort in